Monday, May 27, 2024

Making Website 2024

 A community round an open source software task, our model is considered one of human beings helping people and, as soon as registered, you’ll find many opportunities to take part and make contributions, whether you're an individual, or part of an agency, group, or organization. You do not need to be a developer and know how to code to contribute. You can:

Find a position.

Suggest a translation.

Help with the documentation.

Help other customers on the boards.

Send a bugfix/patch.

Test malicious program reports to verify they're legitimate .

Tell people why you want Tiki. (Have you visible Why Use Tiki?)

Hang out inside the Chat and help humans.

Make a brand new subject matter.

Suggest ideas for a new theme (on the Themes discussion board).

Recommend Tiki to people as a solution, if appropriate (take a look at Features and update their rankings).

Respond (lightly) to unfounded/uninformed criticisms of Tiki.

Participate at Tiki websites that are inviting individuals.

Suggest ways to enhance Tiki.

Vote for Tiki. your web page as a Featured Tiki internet site!

Help financially by means of making a donation to the Tiki Software Community Association.

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